[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2021 Junior Pro Wakeboard Online Event Rules & Information

Dated 4-21-2021

Junior Pro:

The 2021 Jr. Pro Wake Tour will be a combination of live events and online events.  In order to compete in the series you will need to qualify through the online qualifier. The series will consist of 3 live events and one online event.  The series championship will be awarded to the rider with the highest points from the 4 event series.  Below are the rules and information regarding the digital/online events.

Entries – Entry form must be submitted on the Tour Standard Entry Form. To enter you must use the website prowakeboardtour.com. The Tour takes no responsibility for entries lost in transmittal.

Entry Fee:  The entry fee per event is $120 as indicated on the Official Tour Entry Form.

This contest is based on creating video line submissions while wakeboarding behind a boat. The tricks should be performed off of the wake of the boat only. Double ups or artificial kickers of any sort will not be allowed unless otherwise stated. Every pass submitted needs to be a competitive pass in order for it to be judged.

Entry Deadline is for both registration/payment and video submissions
– Entry deadlines are listed below:
          Pro Tour Qualifier due date Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm EST
          Pro Tour # 3 due date Friday, July 23rd at 5:00pm EST
          (There be a refund if you aren’t qualified for the event)

Video Capture
We are looking for continuity from our video submissions as this is a judged event. You must adhere to the following guidelines.
● Angle/Location: Your filmer must shoot from the middle of the boat at a medium            camera height. Medium camera height should be below the tow eye on the tower and at least one foot above the engine compartment.
● Format: You must shoot horizontally in 1920×1080 60P
● Framing: Please frame the rider in the middle of your screen with enough perspective to judge height and distance traveled. Do not pull in tight on your rider as that will hamper our ability to judge his/her run effectively.
Video Submission Example – HERE
● Quality: Please shoot with the best quality camera and most experienced videographer possible.
● No Editing: No editing of the rider’s line outside of length of clip will be allowed. If we find that there was any editing in your submission, you will be disqualified from that PWT event and all subsequent 2021 PWT events.

  • Video Delivery
    ● You must deliver a single clip in the following format: 1920×1080 60P – MP4 H.264 codec
    ● File Naming Convention: RiderfirstnameRiderlastname.2021PWT.Qualifier
        ○ If you made a mistake and wish to upload a new run/file before the entry deadline, that file must be named in the following format
                  ■ RiderfirstnameRiderlastnameV2.2021PWT.Qualifier
    ● Videos will be run at full speed when judged and when placed online

Safety Equipment – All contestants shall wear a U.S. Coast Guard – Approved life jacket or a life jacket that will absolutely float a contestant who is unconscious. A “Wet Suit” life jacket shall have a locking device in addition to the zipper closure. A “Pull Over” or “Side Entry” life jacket shall have a locking device, zipper, or a drawstring.

Disqualified for Safety – Any athlete not wearing an approved life jacket will be disqualified.

Rounds – Rounds can be altered at the Tour’s discretion due to number of entries or any other applicable situation as designated by the tour.

Cancellation refund – If an entrant desires to cancel his/her entry for whatever reason(s), he/she is required to notify the Director of Registration by phone or email on or before 5:00 pm EST on the posted due date of the tournament. The entry fee cannot be rolled over to another event.

DIVISION: Jr Pro Wakeboard

Entry Deadline is for both registration/payment and video submissions
– Entry deadlines are listed below:
● Pro Tour Digital Qualifier due date Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm EST
● Pro Tour Digital Event # 3 due date Friday, July 23rd at 5:00pm EST
● You must have your video downloaded by 5pm EST or you will not be eligible for the event. Due to the possibility of technical issues we ask that you not wait until the last minute.

Pro Tour #3- Any of the 10 qualified riders videos not submitted by the deadline, will not be judged. The Pro Tour will move onto the next registered wild card selection. All wild cards must be registered and have submitted their videos by the deadline. If you are not picked to ride in the event your entry fee will be refunded.

EVENT FORMAT:  Wakeboard

  • 1. Pro Tour Digital Qualifier – Open Qualifier for all Jr Pro wakeboarders
    ● Video Submissions:
    You must download your video to the Wakeboard Qualifier Files. Click on this link to submit your video – QUALIFIER SUBMISSION .
    ● Registration and video submissions due Friday, May 7th at 5:00pm EST
    ● All videos submitted for the qualifier will be judged by Pro Tour judges. The top 24 videos for wakeboarding will make the online qualifier. If there are more then 24 videos submitted the judges will select the top 24. These 24 videos will be online for judging and the fan vote.
    ● The 24 videos will be placed on prowakeboardtour.com May 17th – 21st for judging and fan voting. Results will be announced May 24th.
    ● 10 riders will advance from the Pro Tour Qualifier to PWT Stop #1. The number of rounds will be determined based on the number of entries.
    ● One consecutive 6 trick line video
    ● One of the 6 tricks must be a “Less than 5 move”
        ○ LT5 moves are anything that is no more than 360 degrees of rotation in one direction and is not inverted. The goal here is to illustrate and promote style and audience relatability. Examples – big straight airs/grabs, 180’s, 360’s, zeros, rewinds and stylish variations of these  moves.
    ● Video can be no longer than 80 seconds
    ● The rider must be next to the wake when the video starts. We must see the rider pull out for their first trick.
    ● If the judges conclude the rider does not start their run in a timely manner they will start the clock when they deem acceptable.
    ● If the judges feel the rider has initiated a trick before the time has elapsed they will count the trick.
    ● Video must have been filmed between April 1st – May 7th.
    ● Video must be time stamped, we will check metadata to confirm filming dates

2. Pro Tour #3
Video Submissions:
Submit Wakeboard PWT #3 Files – PWT #3 SUBMISSIONS
● Riders must be registered & have their videos submitted by Friday, July 23rd at 5:00pm EST. You must have your video downloaded by 5pm EST or you will not be eligible for the event. Due to the possibility of technical issues we ask that you not wait until the last minute.

  • ● All video submissions will be on the website prowakeboardtour.com August 2nd – 6th for judging and fan voting. Results will be announced August 9th.
    ● For PWT #3 The 10-competitor field will be filled by the following criteria:
       ○ Top 8 from the current 2021 Junior Pro Tour Standings prior to the event
       ○ 2 Wilds Cards
    ● Riders must submit two consecutive 6 trick line videos.
       ○ One semifinal run
       ○ One finals run
    ● Riders must do a “Less than 5 move”. This move can be in your 6 trick line.
       ○ LT5 moves are anything that is no more than 360 degrees of rotation in one direction and is not inverted. The goal here is to illustrate and promote style and audience relatability. Examples – big straight airs/grabs, 180’s, 360’s, zeros, rewinds and stylish variations of these  moves.
    ● There will be a 2 heat semifinal. Top 2 will advance to a 4 person final. The tour has the right to adjust as needed based on the amount of athletes signed up for the event.
    ● Riders are only allowed to repeat 3 maneuvers in their finals video. There must be 3 new maneuvers in the finals video.
    ● Riders need to indicate which run is for semifinals and which run is for finals when submitting their videos in the following file naming format.
       ○ RiderfirstnameRiderlastname.Semis.2021PWT3
       ○ RiderfirstnameRiderlastname.Finals.2021PWT3
    ● Videos can be no longer than 80 seconds each.
    ● The rider must be next to the wake when the video starts. We must see the rider pull out for their first trick.
    ● If the judges conclude the rider does not start their run in a timely manner they will start the clock when they deem acceptable.
    ● If the judges feel the rider has initiated a trick before the time has elapsed they will count the trick.
    ● Video must have been filmed between July 1st – July 23rd.
    ● Video must be time stamped, we will check metadata to confirm filming dates

Scoring Criteria
Each athlete will receive 4 scores. Wakeboarders will receive 3 scores from top level wakeboard officials and one score from a “spectator/fan” vote. Each judge’s score will be worth 25 percent of the overall score. The judges will give each athlete a score from 1 to 10. The four judges scores will be averaged together to come up with an overall score out of 100. There will be no predetermined values for placing. Each judge will evaluate/analyze the athletes runs based off of Overall Impression and score them appropriately. Judges will be able to reward as well as penalize athletes according to the performance of their runs. Judges will be looking for the most versatile athlete by breaking it down into difficulty, risk, intensity, variety and execution.

● Trick difficulty (Technical Difficulty) – This is simply defined as how difficult each trick is based on a number of variables. Spins, rolls or flips including spins, grabbing your board, handle passes and the way an athlete lands all subjectively define how difficult certain tricks are in comparison to others.
● Number of rotations
● Combos (combining tricks, adding spins, grabs etc)
● The direction an athlete spins in relation to the trick. Frontside or backside
● Switch vs. regular stance
● Frontside vs Backside stance
● Handle pass vs. landing wrapped
● Grabbed or not

● Linking difficult tricks
● Trick difficulty in relation to the course.
● Risk – An athlete opening their run with a technically difficult trick would be considered high risk. Risk is also demonstrated by how an athlete performs their tricks and whether or not they display a sense of “putting it all on the line” in order to better their opponents.

● Judges look for how big or high the athlete is taking each of their tricks.
● How hard of tricks are put in the run

● A variety of tricks performed in a pass is what judges are looking for in order to determine the most versatile athlete. A good pass should have tricks from all categories and be well rounded. This shows an athlete is skilled at all types of maneuvers and therefore showing variety in their performance.
● Were the tricks all based on the same trick?
● Were the grabs different?
● Did the rider spin multiple directions?

● Completion of the Trick – This is essentially how the trick was performed and that the athlete was in control. Control and poise during a trick shows the athlete is confident in that trick and thus it is well executed. Control and completion of a trick also means that the athlete is performing a trick they intended to complete.
● The Landing – This is simply how clean the landing was of the trick. If the athlete butt checks, drags a hand, switches 180 to avoid falling, or looks out of control after they have landed this can negatively affect the execution category.
● Perfection – Judges are looking for how “clean” or how perfect EACH trick was performed in the passes. Judges look at the approach, the body position, rotation of the trick, the axis of the body, head position, handle position, clean grabs not slaps, speed to which the trick was performed. A athlete completing their routine without falling also demonstrates perfection.
● Flow- Flow is when an athlete can execute their tricks together to make them look like they connect smoothly from one to another.
● Interpretation – Did the athlete customize or adapt the move to make it original to their riding

Creativity of course management and time is crucial in achieving a smooth, fluid, flowing run. Judges will only score tricks successfully completed.

Placement Ties:
Ties will be broken by placements. The first tie breaker will go to the rider with most first places. Second tie breaker will go to the rider with most second places and so on until the tie is broken.

Reviewing Scores:
1. There will be no protesting of scores.

2. If the rider has a question about the scores they may ask the Chief Judge.

3. The Chief Judge will then review the rider run sheet and score sheets to ensure there are no discrepancies between the judges. If the Chief Judge is satisfied with his review he will let the rider know his decision. If the chief judge finds a discrepancy on the judges score sheet he will meet with the judge immediately. The judge will make sure that the discrepancy is addressed on his sheet and he will re-evaluate his scores to make sure his scores and placements are correct. If the judge makes a change the chief judge will have the scorekeeper record the change and post new results. There may or may not be a change in placements after a judge changes a score.

4. If the chief judge evaluates the judge\’s sheets and is unsure of a judges decision he will meet with the judge immediately and ask them to double check their decision. If they are certain on their decision the issue is considered resolved. The results are final. If the judge makes a change the chief judge will have the scorekeeper record the change and post new results. There may or may not be a change in placements after a judge changes a score.

5. The Chief Judge will make his best efforts to deliver a final decision in a timely manner. The Chief Judge has the final say in all decisions. No rider is allowed to approach the individual judges. Any rider found harassing judges or using profanity during the protest will be subject to the code of conduct and applicable fines.

Running Orders:

Jr Pro Division – Qualifier- seeding will be random order. PWT #3 determined by; 1st the 2021 PWT Rankings, 2nd the results from the 2021 PWT Qualifier and 3rd will be random order.

Example of pattern of heats:
Heat #1: Seeds 6, 7, 18, 24, 25 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #2: Seeds 5, 8, 17, 23, 26 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #3: Seeds 4, 9, 16, 22, 27 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #4: Seeds 3, 10, 15, 21, 28 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #5: Seeds 2, 11, 14, 20, 29 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #6: Seeds 1, 12, 13, 19, 30 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Other numbers of competitors are determined with the same format.


General – A Ranking List point system which awards points for placements will be used in each Tour contest.  Contest seedings will be based on Current Junior Pro Wakeboard Tour Ranking List, unless otherwise noted by Tour Management.

Ranking List Placement Points – Ranking List points will be awarded based on the Athlete\’s final event placement according to the following chart:

                 Placement        Points                      Placement           Points                             
                  1st                       100                            19th                       18

                  2nd                      90                              20th                       17    

                  3rd                       80                              21st                        16

                  4th                        75                             22nd                       15

                  5th                        70                             23rd                        14

                  6th                        65                             24th                        13

                  7th                        60                             25th                        12

                  8th                        55                             26th                        11

                  9th                        51                             27th                        10

                 10th                       47                             28th                         9

                  11th                      43                             29th                         8

                  12th                      39                             30th                         7

                  13th                      35                             31st                         6                            

                  14th                      31                             32nd                        5

                  15th                      27                             33rd                         4

                  16th                      23                               34th                        3

                  17th                      20                               35th                        2

                  18th                      19                               36th                        1

Ties in the PWT Rankings – Due to the use of heats, their will most likely be placement ties, the following tie breaker system will be used:
Tie Breaker for PWT Rankings:
● PWT #1: Ties will be broken in the rankings after PWT #1 by using 1st: the 2021 PWT Qualifier Results. If the tie cannot be broken by using the results from the Qualifier then the tie will stay.
● After PWT #1 we will use 1st 2021 PWT rankings. 2nd the 2021 PWT Qualifier Results. If the tie cannot be broken by using the results from the Qualifier then the tie will stay.

Series Championship – The season series championship for the Pro Tour will be determined by combining all points from all of the events in the individual series. In case of a tie for the top spot, here are the criteria to break the tie: The first tiebreaker is the rider who took home the most 1st place finishes. The second tiebreaker is the rider who has the most 2nd place finishes. The third tie breaker is the rider that finishes highest at the final tour stop.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Any Athlete or official whose conduct is deemed unsportsmanlike, or who may cause discredit to the Tour, WWA, sponsors, or that person\’s home country federation, during the period of time of the contest may be fined and/or disqualified, as determined by the Tour Chief Judge, and/or Tour Management. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to: refusing interviews, use of vulgar language in public, disrespecting an official, public tantrums, not riding to fullest potential, competing under false pretenses, such as not having signed the Tour contract, concealing significant injuries or health problems. A rider disqualified in this manner would forfeit prize money and all points for that contest. This paragraph shall not be construed to deny or limit any individual\’s legal rights. All fines shall be paid to PWT. Failure to due so would result in exclusion from any future contests until fine is paid. Unsportsmanlike conduct $100.00 – $500.00 fine and/or disqualification[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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