[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2021 Junior Pro LIVE Event
Dated 4-7-2021
The 2021 Jr. Pro Wake Tour will be a combination of live events and online events. In order to compete in the series you will need to qualify through the online qualifier. This will be the first event of the year. The series will consist of 3 live events and one online event. The series championship will be awarded to the rider with the highest points from the 4 event series. Below are the rules and information regarding the live events.
Scope of These Rules – These Rules set forth herein governs the conduct and organization of all PWT Holdings, LLC (\”PWT” will be used in the rest of the rules) contests, unless specific changes, addendums and/or exceptions are distributed or communicated by PWT reserves the right to issue changes, addendums and/or exceptions from time to time as it sees fit. It is the responsibility of each Tour Athlete and Official to be familiar with all rules of the (WWA) World Wakeboard Association and PWT rules.
Interpretations – Questions of interpretations, intent, errors, conflicts, or amendments to these Rules are the final responsibility of the Chief Judge and PWT’s Director of Operations.
Competition Times/Preparedness – All athletes must sign in with Priscilla Scollin or the score keeper one hour before the posted time for their division. If an athlete is not signed in one hour before the posted start time they can be fined $150. This money will be a donation from the rider to the Brad Smeele Foundation or the Matt Manzari Youcaring site and must be paid prior to competing in the next event. If a name is forged in the registration book that rider can be disqualified from the event. Any athlete age 18 and over, must sign themselves in, no one else (parent or guardian) may do that. PWT and the chief judge reserve the right to have the final decision on the rider being eligible to ride. PWT reserves the right to change/alter schedule at any time. If you have already signed in, PWT recommends that riders be on site at least one hour before the scheduled start of their division. All riders must be on site and ready to compete 30 minutes before posted start time for their division. Any division can start 30 minutes prior to posted start time.
Athletes and Officials Conduct
Personal Appearances – Tour Athletes and officials shall agree to make appearances arranged for media and national and local sponsors of the Tour.
Dress Code – Tour Athletes and officials shall abide by Tour dress codes at designated Tour functions. Riders agree that the Organizers have the right to control or prohibit advertising material used, worn, or displayed by the rider at the site during the contest. Participant, or the minor for whom a parent or guardian is signing, further understands PWT reserves the right to disqualify Participant and to refuse to allow Participant to compete in the contest for any reason that PWT deems just and proper.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Any Athlete or official whose conduct is deemed unsportsmanlike, or who may cause discredit to the Tour, WWA, sponsors, or that person\’s home country federation, either on or off the contest site during the period of time of the contest may be fined and/or disqualified, as determined by the Tour Chief Judge, and/or Tour Management. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes, but is not limited to: refusing autographs or interviews, use of vulgar language in public, disrespecting an official, public tantrums, not riding to fullest potential, failure to attend designated functions or events, consuming alcoholic beverages during competition, competing under false pretenses, such as not having signed the Tour contract, concealing significant injuries or health problems. A rider disqualified in this manner would forfeit prize money and all points for that contest. This paragraph shall not be construed to deny or limit any individual\’s legal rights. All fines shall be paid to PWT. Failure to due so would result in exclusion from any future contests until fine is paid.
Conduct Fine/Disciplinary Action
Unsportsmanlike conduct $100.00 – $500.00 fine and/or disqualification
No Bib or wrong bib $100.00 and/or disqualification
: pre-event or event
Unauthorized practice $250.00 and/or disqualification
Improper dress $100.00
Unauthorized persons on starting $100.00
dock, announcers stand or
Chief Scorer/Chief Judges
Property Damage and Hotel conduct – Any athlete involved in conduct which may cause damage on site, to hotels and/or any other property damaged by the athlete may be disqualified and/of fined from the tournament. You will be responsible for all damages that occur and will be charged accordantly.
Any athlete involved in conduct at the host hotel, which is deemed unsportsmanlike conduct, may be disqualified and/of fined from the tournament. Tour Management may disqualify athlete from all future tournaments as determined.
Pre-Event Practice On-site – Tour riders shall not ride or practice at any Tour site during the set up days of the PWT unless permission has been granted by Tour Management. Violation of this Rule shall result in a fine or disqualification from that contest.
Use of name/likeness – All riders grant to PWT, the non-exclusive right to use Participant\’s name or likeness in any photographs, television or motion pictures taken of Participant during the contest week, for the limited purposes of EVENT promotion, broadcast, and news reporting, and this right to use under this sub-paragraph shall terminate on the first day of the year 2021, except for, PWT contracted videographers, or other networks that may continue to rerun broadcasts of contest coverage containing participant\’s likeness and name.
Concussion Policy – If the boat crew suspects a rider has a concussion or head injury they will immediately radio for the staff EMT. The staff EMT will evaluate the athlete and determine if they suspect the rider has a concussion. If the EMT suspects a concussion the rider will be removed from competition immediately. If the athlete is a minor the PWT staff will notify the parent or guardian at this time. PWT recommends that the athlete be evaluated by a health care provider experienced in evaluating for a concussion. The athlete will not be allowed to participate in a PWT event until they provide a written letter from the Healthcare provider giving them clearance to resume participation.
Liability – All Tour Athletes and Officials by their participation recognize and accept the possible dangers inherent to wakeboarding competitions, and shall sign a release to this effect before riding or officiating on site. Athletes shall submit proof of WWA insurance coverage before participation. The Tour accepts no liability for injury to Tour Athletes during the competition related functions, while traveling, or in any other capacity, official or otherwise, not mentioned herein. It is the responsibility of any Tour Athlete or official who discovers a potentially dangerous situation to immediately notify the Director of Operations, Chief Judge, or Tour Management.
In consideration of Participant, or the minor for whom the parent or guardian is signing, being allowed to participate in any way in PWT HOLDINGS, LLC (hereinafter known as PWT) athletics/sports program and related events and activities, Participant hereby, for himself/herself, his/her heirs, and successors and, if applicable, for the minor for whom a parent or guardian is signing does: (1) Agree that prior to participating, Participant will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, including Participant\’s own equipment, and if Participant believes anything is unsafe, Participant will immediately advise his/her coach or supervisor and a contest official, in writing, of such condition(s) and refuse to participate; (2) Acknowledge and fully understand that each participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result not only from Participant\’s own actions, inaction’s or negligence, and also from the actions, inaction’s or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, that there may be other risks not known to BC or not reasonably foreseeable at this time; (3) Assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death; (4) Release, waive, discharge, covenant not to sue and agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend BC, its affiliated clubs or other affiliated organizations, their respective administrators, directors, agents, coaches, and employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, the nationals governing bodies of participating divisions, the contest officials and, if applicable, owners and leasees of premises used to conduct the event, all of which are hereinafter referred to as \”releases\”, from any and all liability to Participant, his or her heirs, relatives and friends for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages on account of injury to person, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releases or otherwise; (5) authorize BC to seek, on Participant\’s behalf all reasonable medical and surgical care that might be necessary if Participant is unable to authorize such care himself/herself as a result of some injury;
New Sites – In the case of sites new to the Tour, whether they have hosted wakeboarding events or not, they shall be inspected by Tour Management well in advance of the scheduled competition. This shall be for the purposes of determining site layouts and special site preparations needed to reduce or eliminate any safety hazards. Tour reserves the right to make revisions at any time.
Safety Group – A Safety Group shall consist of the Chief Judge, PWT Head of Operations and PWT Management Representative. The Safety Group is responsible for making recommendations to the Tour to improve contest safety and to prevent situations that would endanger Athletes, officials, or spectators.
Fallen Riders – Because of the public nature of some sites, and for the safety of the Athlete, fallen riders shall utilize safety craft in lieu of swimming and/or walking ashore unless otherwise directed by Tour Representative.
Handles, Non-Stretch Ropes, Wakeboards, & Helmets – Personal handles, ropes, & wakeboards are the responsibility of the individual participants. Handles, ropes, & wakeboards are subject to checks by the officials/dock starter before riding. Helmets are required for wakeboarding if obstacles are used. A helmet (protective head gear) is defined as an article of apparel whose manufacture and use is solely for the purpose of protecting the head from injury. If any athlete uses any obstacle without a helmet they will be disqualified from the tournament.
Tour Supplied Bibs – Athletes are required to wear a Tour-supplied bib during media riding, qualifying, actual competition, and interviews. The bib will remain the property of the Tour until after the Finals, however it will remain in the Athlete’s possession. If an athlete is not wearing a bib or the wrong bib for that tournament while competing they can be disqualified or fined from the tournament.
Riders must wear their assigned bibs; no borrowing or lending is authorized due to age restriction of some riders. Failure to abide may result in possible fine. If a bib is lost and another bib must be supplied, even for a temporary period of time, a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee will be charged. No modifications of bibs or addition or deletion of lettering or logos on bibs are allowed, except as authorized by Tour Management. Bibs inadvertently damaged during the course of Tour riding will be replaced by the Tour at no cost. A bib becomes stained or damaged to the point, where it no longer looks presentable in the eyes of the Tour; the rider will be obligated to wear a replacement bib supplied by the Tour.
Tour Supplied Wristbands – Athletes are required to wear a Tour-supplied wristband at all times on site and Tour off site functions as needed. A wristband will be given to the athlete at each tournament to be used at that tournament only. If a wristband is lost and another wristband must be supplied to the athlete a ten-dollar $10.00 fee will be charged to the athlete. No borrowing or sharing is authorized. Failure to abide may result in possible fine.
Identical Riding Conditions – Since wakeboarding is an outdoor sport, and since the Tour is designed to appeal to an audience as well as provide a competition, time-consuming measures to assure identical and/or ideal riding conditions will be at the sole discretion of the Chief Judge and/or Tour Management. Protests or re-ride requests will not be allowed if they are based on variations in conditions.
Severe Weather/ Rough Water Conditions – In the case of less than desirable water or weather conditions where the contest must continue, a \”Severe Weather/ Rough Water\” provision may be applied that round of that event. Decisions regarding \”Severe Weather\” shall be the responsibility of a committee composed of the Chief Judge, PWT Head of Operations, PWT Management, and only the affected Athletes. However, the Tour reserves the right to make the final decision. The \”Severe Weather\” provision applies not only to rough water per se, but also to any weather and water conditions that make riding significantly more difficult or may seriously affect performances.
The “Severe Weather” committee shall determine any modification to the riding specifications that may be needed in the interest of safety and providing a fair and attractive event. Such modifications may include but not limited to changes in boat speed, boat pattern, course length, and format. Once a round of an event has been so designated and riding has started, the \”Severe Weather\” designation shall apply to all Athletes in that round, even though conditions may improve. Ranking list points will be adjusted accordingly.
Termination of an Event/ Schedule changes – No event, exhibition, or media demonstration shall be started or continued when electrical storms are in the immediate vicinity. No competition event shall be started unless it is likely that it will be finished before sunset. This provision shall not apply for scheduled night contests, or for sites with adequate illumination.
Event Schedule:
PWT reserves the right to modify the schedule of events to make Pro finals the top priority. All changes will be made to serve the best interest of the event.
The Tour will put forth its best effort to complete each and every competition event and declare winners. At the sole discretion of the Tour and only as a last resort, rounds may be postponed or combined as necessary to complete events and establish winners.
The entry fee will be returned to the affected Athletes if no rounds of an event are held.
If the event cannot be completed Saturday then revert to bad weather rules.
When an event has been terminated and providing at least one full round of that event was held, placements and Ranking List Points will be calculated. This shall not apply if an event was altered in such a manner as to create an unfair situation. Final decision is solely the discretion of Tour Management.
Entries – Entry form must be submitted on Tour Standard Entry Form. To enter you must use the website www.supraboatspwt.com, charge cards must be used for website entries. The Tour takes no responsibility for entries lost in transmittal.
Membership Requirements – Wakeboard: All Athletes must be current competitive members of the WWA. Prior to competing, Athlete must sign the Tour contract and understand the nature of the sport and it\’s special risks, particularly in the professional format. Prior to competing, Athlete must submit to the Director of Registration the required forms (Information questionnaire,& Contract). It is the responsibility of the Athlete to register with the Tour-designated person and show proof of membership, qualifications, and WWA insurance before riding.
Division – Junior Pro Wakeboard (age 14-18 as of January 1 of the current year.):
Entry Fee – The entry fee per event is $ 120 as indicated on the Official Tour Entry Form, including any late fees that may apply.
Entry Deadline & Late Fee – Entry deadlines are listed below:
Pro Tour # 1 Katy, TX due date May 31st at 5:00pm EST
Pro Tour # 2 Birmingham, AL due date June 28th at 5:00pm EST
Pro Tour # 4 Gainesville, GA due date August 9th at 5:00pm EST
A Late Fee of $25.00 must be paid prior to riding if the entry form (including payment) was not received by the Director of Registration on/or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time of the date indicated above as the “2 Week Entry Deadline” or other applicable time table.
The final deadline to sign up for a contest is 1 hour before the contest begins if maximum limit has not been met, subject to Director of Registration/Chief Judge.
Limit on Maximum Number of Competitors –
Qualifications for the Supra Boats Junior Pro Wakeboard Tour:
1. Katy, TX August Lakes June 12th
10 Jr Pro Riders
2. Birmingham, AL Oak Mountain State Park July 10th
10 Jr Pro Riders
4. Gainesville, GA Lake Lanier Olympic Park August 21st
10 Jr Pro Riders
PWT #1- The 10 competitor field will be filled by this criteria:
1st– Top 10 from the online qualifier
2nd– Wild cards based on filling the field. (must be registered prior to late fee deadline)
If any of the 10 athletes are not registered prior to the late fee deadline their spot will be filled by the next paid entry on the rankings list – until the 10 slots are filled. The due date and time for each event is 5:00pm EST Monday two weeks prior to each event.
For PWT # 2 & 4 The 10 -competitor field will be filled by this criteria:
1st – Top 8 from current Jr Pro Rankings – must be registered prior to late fee deadline.
2nd – 2 Wilds Cards – must be registered prior to late fee deadline
3rd – If any of the 10 (top 8 after each event + 2 wild cards) are not registered prior to the late fee deadline their spot will be filled by the next paid entry on the rankings list – until the 10 slots are filled. The due date and time for each event is 5:00pm EST Monday two weeks prior to each event.
*Vacant slots in the top 10 (due to rider withdrawal prior to the late fee deadline) will be filled by the next highest ranked rider.
Cancellation refund – If an entrant desires to cancel his/her entry for whatever reason(s), he/she is required to notify the Director of Registration by phone or email on or before 5:00 pm EST on the posted due date of the tournament. The entry fee cannot be rolled over to another event.
Fines – All unpaid fines must be paid prior to participating in the next Tour contest.
Refund due to Injuries – In the event of illness or injury during the week preceding the event, the affected rider must call the Director of Registration at 407-405-0121. Affected rider must present a signed doctor\’s excuse to the Director of Registration for review for full refund. Any falsification will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct. The doctor’s note MUST be received no later than 5pm EST(21) twenty one days from the start of the event date in order to receive refund. After that date no refunds will be granted.
If an Athlete or official is unable to continue on the Tour, or becomes aware that he/she will not be able to attend certain future contests already qualified for or entered, he/she is required to notify the Director of Registration (for athlete) and Tour Management (for officials) immediately, but in any case no later than 5:00 PM EST on or before the posted due date of the tournament prior to the commencement of the contest.
AFTER COMPETITION BEGINS – If an Athlete is unable to compete due to an injury, after riding in the qualifying round and/or subsequent rounds of a Tour contest, his/her spot is left vacant. An Athlete who is unable to compete in a subsequent round shall receive Ranking List points and placement for the last place position of the round in which they are unable to compete. No replacement rider will be placed in that position in the next round.
Boat speed – Riders must inform the driver the speed he/she desires. It is the rider\’s responsibility to make this clear. The same rule applies when referring to what height and length the rope should be attached when applicable.
Rider Preparedness – The rider must be in his/her bindings, with a rope that will not interfere with the rider being ready to ride when the boat returns to the dock. Any rider who fails to be on immediate hand & in condition to ride when it is his/her turn in the running order as stated above can be disqualified.
Safety Equipment – All contestants shall wear a U.S. Coast Guard – Approved life jacket or a life jacket that will absolutely float a contestant who is unconscious. A “Wet Suit” life jacket shall have a locking device in addition to the zipper closure. A “Pull Over” or “Side Entry” life jacket shall have a locking device, zipper, or a drawstring. All contestants hitting any obstacles in the water must wear a helmet (protective head gear). A helmet is defined as an article of apparel whose manufacture and use is solely for the purpose of protecting the head from injury.
Communication to the Boat – Communication between the rider and the boat shall be conducted only through the boat judge or Tour appointed person. The rider shall use the standardized Tour signals and not cause the boat to stop, if possible. Deliberate use of delaying tactics will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and will subject the rider to fines or disqualification. The following signals apply in addition to well-known riding signals. Use in combination as applicable
- Thumb(s) up means go faster
- Thumb (s) down means go slower
- Pointing at an item of equipment means a problem with it
- Pointing back toward object means debris in water
- Raising hand overhead means request for reride
- Fallen rider must motion to the towboat or safety team to come back to you if injured and/or in danger.
Rider’s Equipment Failure – For any equipment failure, the rider has five (5) minutes to repair the equipment. The boat judge will call the Chief Judge for the clock to begin and he will count down to the boat judge the time. The Chief Judge will have the final say on if equipment has failed. Equipment can either be repaired on the boat or at the dock if needed. Time starts either when rider is on the back of the boat for an on-boat repair or when the rider steps on the dock for a dock repair. If the rider chooses to return to the dock he/she cannot repair the equipment until the rider is placed on the dock. If the rider starts repairing the equipment on the boat his/her time starts at that moment. The rider must be on the boat & repair completed before the time elapses or his/her ride is over. The athlete will resume the run at the same location they were picked up in the water. An equipment failure is counted as a fall.
When the rider realizes they have an equipment failure they can throw the handle. After the repair they will resume their run where they threw the handle. If an athlete falls and then discovers an equipment failure, they will resume the run at the location of the fall after the equipment failure has been remedied. If the rider falls and then gets back up and realizes their equipment is broken they have the chance to throw the handle without being charged with a fall. If the rider tries a maneuver and then realizes their board is broken they will be charged with a fall.
A rider can also wave off his run if he throws the handle before he/she enters the course before the first pass only if there is a problem such as the rope being on the wrong ring to fix it with no penalty. A wave off is not counted as a fall.
If the rider falls on the turnaround not attempting to advance his/her run, this will not count as a fall.
Junior Pro’s Judging and Scoring Criteria
All Junior Pro will be judged using the DRIVE system. Judges will be using an Overall Impression system to evaluate/ analyze the rider’s runs. Judges will be looking for the most versatile rider by breaking it down into difficulty, risk, intensity, variety and execution.
Scoring: There will be three judges. Each judge’s score will be worth 33.3 percent of the overall score. The judge will give each rider a score from 1 to 10. The three judges scores will be averaged together to come up with an overall score out of 100. There will be no predetermined values for placing. Each judge will analyze the rider’s runs based off of the DRIVE criteria and score them appropriately. Judges will be able to reward as well as penalize riders according to the performance of their runs.
D difficulty
R risk in the run
I intensity
V variety
E execution
- Trick difficulty (Technical Difficulty) – This is simply defined as how difficult each trick is based on a number of variables. Spins, slides, rolls or flips including spins, grabbing your board, handle passes and the way a rider lands all subjectively define how difficult certain tricks are in comparison to others.
- Number of rotations
- Combos (combining tricks, adding spins, grabs etc)
- The direction a rider spins in relation to the trick. Frontside or backside (blind)
- Switch vs. regular stance
- Handle pass vs. landing wrapped
- Grabbed or not
- Linking difficult tricks
- Trick difficulty in relation to the course.
- Risk – A rider opening their run with a technically difficult trick would be considered high risk. Risk is also demonstrated by how a rider performs their tricks and whether or not they display a sense of “putting it all on the line” in order to better their opponents.
- Here judges look for how big or high the rider is taking each of their tricks. This is typically noted on the judges sheet by a plus sign, “+”. If the trick was incredibly high, and the judge will place 2 plus signs next to it on the judges sheet, “+ +”. The same goes for tricks done small may have a minus “-“ sign.
- Wake to wake vs. out in the flats
- 270 transfer vs. boardslide
- A variety of tricks performed in a pass is what judges are looking for in order to determine the most versatile rider. Wakeboarding has categories of tricks such as: straight airs/glides, spins, inverts/flips. A good wakeboard pass should have tricks from each of these categories and be well rounded. This shows a rider is skilled at all types of maneuvers and therefore showing variety in their riding.
- Were the tricks all based on the same trick? (roll, roll 2 rev, roll 2 blind, kgb = similar)
- Were the grabs different?
- Did the rider spin both directions?
- Completion of the Trick – This is essentially how the trick was performed in the air or on the rail and that the rider is in control. Control and poise during the middle of a trick shows the rider is confident in that trick and thus it is well executed. Control and completion of a trick also means that the rider is performing a trick he/she set out to complete. Example: If a rider attempts to do a 360 and bobbles halfway through the trick and only performs a 180, it shows they are not in control.
- The Landing – This is simply how clean the landing was of the trick. If the rider butt checks, falls of the rail, bonks the rail, drags a hand, switches 180 to avoid falling, or looks out of control after they have landed this can negatively affect the execution category.
- Perfection – Judges are looking for how “clean” or how perfect EACH trick was performed in the passes. Judges look at the approach, the body position, rotation of the trick, the axis of the body, head position, handle position, clean grabs not slaps, speed to which the trick was performed. A rider completing their routine without falling also demonstrates perfection.
- FLOW: Flow is when a wakeboarder can execute their tricks together to make them look like they connect smoothly from one to another. For instance, when a rider lands a trick switch and then cuts into the wake to do the next trick in the same switch position. A rider that does not flow well would do things like constantly hopping from switch to regular or vice versa in their transition between tricks, starting the pass late, or finishing a pass early. Dead water is not showing flow or composition.
- Did the rider customize or adapt tricks…make them their own?
Creativity of course management and time is crucial in achieving a smooth, fluid, flowing run. Riders that take the time to plan out their run, plan the path they are going to take in and around the obstacles/rails will be rewarded in this area. Riders that can link creative tricks/maneuvers between obstacles will also be rewarded. Judges will be looking for riders that use up the full time, and length of the course. Wasted water will reflect negatively towards the rider’s score. Judges will only score tricks successfully landed. Falls are simply a missed trick and course time is lost. You will not be judged down for falls, but this can take away from the overall look and flow of a riders run. Riders are allowed 1 fall. They will be picked up after their first fall. The run ends on 2nd fall.
Ties will be broken by placements. The first tie breaker will go to the rider with most first places. Second tie breaker will go to the rider with most second places and so on until the tie is broken.
Jr. Pro FORMAT for all rounds of competition:
The format for qualifying, quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals will be a ONE run 2 fall traditional format. The rider is done after the second fall. Each run will consist of two passes. Each pass will consist of 4 tricks.
Reviewing Scores:
- There will be no protesting of scores.
- If the rider has a question about the scores they may ask the Chief Judge.
- The Chief Judge will then review the rider run sheet and score sheets to ensure there are no discrepancies between the judges. If the Chief Judge is satisfied with his review he will let the rider know his decision. If the chief judge finds a discrepancy on the judges score sheet he will meet with the judge immediately. The judge will make sure that the discrepancy is addressed on his sheet and he will re-evaluate his scores to make sure his scores and placements are correct. If the judge makes a change the chief judge will have the scorekeeper record the change and post new results. There may or may not be a change in placements after a judge changes his score.
- If the chief judge evaluates the judge\’s sheets and is unsure of a judges decision he will meet with the judge immediately and ask them to double check their decision. If they are certain on their decision the issue is over. The results are final. If the judge makes a change the chief judge will have the scorekeeper record the change and post new results. There may or may not be a change in placements after a judge changes his score.
- The Chief Judge will make his best efforts to deliver a final decision in a timely manner. The Chief Judge has the final say in all decisions. No rider is allowed to approach the individual judges. Any rider found harassing judges or using profanity during the protest will be subject to the code of conduct and applicable fines.
- If a rider would like to educate themselves for the future they may do so after the event is over. If the rider is present at the end of the competition the chief judge will make his best efforts to let the rider speak with the judges.
- If a rider has an issue while on the water competing- The rider needs to communicate this to the judges in the boat ASAP. The boat judges will radio the Chief Judge to discuss the issue. The Chief Judge will take the proper steps to solve the issue. The rider must state the issue either prior to resuming his/her pass, or, prior to the next athlete beginning their pass.
- All judges will make their best efforts to be at the Chief Judge\’s station immediately following the last event each day to answer questions. There may be situations when the judges are forced to leave the site before or right at the end of the event. Therefore the chief judge and remaining judges will be responsible for making the final decision.
Regular Competition Format
Jr. Pro wakeboarding shall be contested in multiple rounds.
Rounds can be altered at Tour discretion due to weather, number of entries, television or any other applicable situation as designated by the tour. Tour Management will determine the number or rounds at special events produced by PWT.
Running orders
Jr. Pro Division – PWT#1- 1st round of riding – seeding will be determined by; 1st 2021 PWT Qualifier and 2nd will be random order. Stop #2 forward in the current year will be seeded off the current Pro Tour Rankings, 2nd the results from the 2021 PWT Qualifier and 3rd will be random order.
All riders must compete in the order of the posted running order. If a rider rides out of order his scores will not be counted.
Example of pattern of heats:
Heat #1: Seeds 6, 7, 18, 24, 25 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #2: Seeds 5, 8, 17, 23, 26 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #3: Seeds 4, 9, 16, 22, 27 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #4: Seeds 3, 10, 15, 21, 28 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #5: Seeds 2, 11, 14, 20, 29 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Heat #6: Seeds 1, 12, 13, 19, 30 (running order; you reverse seeds so higher seed go last)
Other numbers of competitors are determined with the same format.
General – A Ranking List point system which awards points for placements will be used in each Tour contest. Contest seedings will be based on Current Jr. Pro Wakeboard Tour Ranking List, unless otherwise noted by Tour Management.
Ranking List Placement Points – Ranking List points will be awarded based on the Athlete\’s final event placement according to the following chart:
Placement Points Placement Points
1st 100 19th 18
2nd 90 20th 17
3rd 80 21st 16
4th 75 22nd 15
5th 70 23rd 14
6th 65 24th 13
7th 60 25th 12
8th 55 26th 11
9th 51 27th 10
10th 47 28th 9
11th 43 29th 8
12th 39 30th 7
13th 35 31st 6
14th 31 32nd 5
15th 27 33rd 4
16th 23 34th 3
17th 20 35th 2
18th 19 36th 1
Ties in the PWT Rankings – Due to the use of heats, their will most likely be ties in positions, the following tie breaker system will be used:
Tie Breaker for PWT Rankings:
PWT #4 – Gainesville, GA
- PWT #1: Ties will be broken in the rankings after PWT #1 by using 1st: the 2021 PWT Qualifier Results. If the tie cannot be broken by using the results from the Qualifier then the tie will stay.
- After PWT #1 we will use 1st 2021 PWT rankings. 2nd the 2021 PWT Qualifier Results. If the tie cannot be broken by using the results from the Qualifier then the tie will stay.
Series Championship – The season series championship for the Pro Tour will be determined by combining all points from all of the events in the individual series. In case of a tie for the top spot, here are the criteria to break the tie: The first tiebreaker is the rider who took home the most 1st place finishes. The second tiebreaker is the rider who has the most 2nd place finishes. The third tie breaker is the rider that finishes highest at the final tour stop.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
especially if you are a new member. สล็อตเว็บตรงไม่มีขั้นต่ำ
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ค่ายสล็อตออนไลน์น้องใหม่ PGSLOT เกมสล็อตแจ็คพอต เปิดให้บริการแล้วในประเทศไทย สล็อตวอเลทเว็บตรง
แฟนพันธุ์แท้ชาวไทย มาร่วมสนุกกับค่ายสล็อตออนไลน์น้องใหม่ได้ที่นี่ เกมนี้ได้รับการพัฒนาให้มีความน่าสนใจและเล่นง่าย สล็อตวอเลท
อีกทั้งยังโดดเด่นด้วยกราฟิกที่สวยงามไม่ซ้ำใคร มีตัวการ์ตูน 3D สุดน่ารัก และการออกแบบเกมเพลย์ที่บอกเล่าเรื่องราวที่เพิ่มความสนุกให้กับเกม เว็บตรงสล็อต
ทำให้เกมสล็อตของคุณสนุกยิ่งกว่าที่เคย ที่สำคัญคุณยังมีโอกาสได้สัมผัสประสบการณ์สล็อตบ่อยครั้งพร้อมบริการครบวงจร pgslot เว็บไซต์สล็อตที่มีเกมสล็อตบ่อย สล็อตเว็บตรง
Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.